But it is non-functional, and will disappear after switching apps, etc. After starting the virtual machine, or exiting fullscreen, the menu bar may reappear. It is actually quite difficult to get it to appear, so this seems to be an adequate solution. On Mavericks, the dock will still appear in fullscreen after moving the cursor to the bottom of the screen, and then moving it down again.

This has the effect of disabling the menu bar (in windowed AND fullscreen mode) and also, unfortunately, removing the virtual machine from the application switcher. My solution is to force VirtualBoxVM.app (NOT VirtualBox.app), to run as an agent app by editing it's ist file. Switching apps, exiting full-screen or changing spaces causes the menu to re-appear. This should work for most apps, but because of how VirtualBox operates, it only provides a temporary fix. Documentation can be found on the apple developer website, under: information property (plist) key reference -> launch services keys.

The most commonly suggested solution is to edit the VirtualBox ist file and add LSUIPresentationMode = 4. This issue seems to have been in and out of forums for the last 5 years or so. See below for the solution that worked for me, on OSX 10.9 (Mavericks).